Now Available: Like A Cunning Plan: Erotic Trickster Tales

I am pleased–no, honored–no, thrilled–no, ecstatic to announce that my second first anthology is now available for download from Amazon, and shall shortly be available via all other major online retailers as they process in the system.

 Like A Cunning Plan: Erotic Trickster Tales is many things.  It’s my first anthology to actually see a release date.  It’s my first official anthology as an editor for Circlet Press. It’s my first erotica anthology. It’s my “second” first because I started Scheherazade’s Facade way earlier, but well, things happened, and we all know that story by now…. And like they say, you never forget your first. Unless you were really, really drunk that night and things happened that you’ll always regret missing out on, especially when you woke up in a Tijuana gutter with an embarrassing new  tattoo instead of pants.  This is not a true story, by the way.

I learned a lot about editing as I worked through this collection, tips and tricks which ultimately made me much better as the whole editing thing, skills I’ve since put to use finetuning and finessing Scheherazade’s Facade.  I also learned that if you even jokingly make a pact with Coyote and he expects you to produce an anthology in his honor, you’d better deliver or else weird things start happening.  Like, for example, the time I went looking for an “Adult” store in Richmond, and not one, not two, but THREE stores ceased to exist for as long as I was looking, and I was only there for research purposes, honest, but still….


*cough* Like A Cunning Plan goes live on the Circlet site on June 19th, but it’s totally available.  Join me in celebrating playful, tricksy, unpredictable, tables-turning, eyebrow raising good times with gods and mortals, shapeshifters and kitsune. More details available on its own dedicated page here.

Review copies are available for any who promise to leave a review–good, bad, indifferent– on Amazon or Goodreads or local billboards.  Just drop me a note.

Now then.  I must Muppet-flail and scare the cats.



Now Available: Girl Fever

I’ve been informed that the anthology Girl Fever: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex for Lesbians, edited by Sacchi Green, is now available via all the usual methods and places.  This is a collection of short-short erotica pieces featuring lesbians, as though the title wasn’t a dead give-away.  I have a story in this.  “Love On A Real Train” is exactly what you might expect: a couple seeking to reenact a certain iconic scene from the movie Risky Business. It’s short, sweet, hot, and fun. It’s a change from my usual stuff, having absolutely no paranormal elements to it, but I was pleased with how things turned out. So go forth and enjoy.

Um, if you like that sort of thing. It’s okay if you just sort of nod politely and mumble something about a dog-grooming appointment instead. I understand.

In other news, I sent out an update to Scheherazade’s Facade backers, basically telling them not to panic because I was actually quiet for a while.  That is all.

New Publications and Other Updates

Some very few of you might have been wondering where Yours Truly has been for the past month or so.  Well, after the Kickstarter for Scheherazade’s Facade ended, I took the money, converted it into gold bars, and fled to Argentina to set up shop in an abandoned castle where I could pursue my lifelong dreams of creating Nazi zombie cyborg mecha.  That you’re hearing from me now can only mean one thing: the subjugation of the running dog imperialist United States is well at hand, and if you look out your window right about…now!

No, wait, that’s the dream I had last night, after being hopped up on cough medicine and antibiotics.  Never mind!  Yours Truly has been under the weather for the past week and a half, as well as under deadlines, and has just claimed what may be a temporary victory.

Before that, of course, was the annual pilgrimage to Boston for the Circlet Press Editorial Retreat, where I reported on the state of things to my glorious benefactors and munificent overlords, and  was thusly described as “a really great guy.”  Yes, this means I’ll be doing more editing work for Circlet, once I have my current projects taken care of.

And now the news.  I have two publications to announce:

1) Lustfully Ever After: Fairy Tale Erotic Romance, edited by Kristina Wright and published by Cleis Books, is now out.  I just got my contributor copies, and it’s a very nice looking anthology.  It contains my story, “The Long Night of Tanya McCray,” which retells the semi-obscure fairy tale “The Boots of Buffalo Leather.”  In it, a wayward photographer gets lost after dark in a very strange part of Puxhill, rescues a sexy stranger, and runs afoul of a malevolent gang.  I’m rather pleased with it.  This is actually the first of four appearances I’ll be making in Cleis anthologies this year.

2) Spec-Tacular is also out.  This is an ebook collection reprinting various selections from Raven Electrick Ink’s various anthologies. It contains my Nick St. Claus story, “Who Killed the Pumpkin King?” and is a great sampler of the previous four anthos.  It’s edited by Karen Romanko.  I’m quite thrilled that my story was chosen to represent the Jack-O’-Spec anthology.

As for other updates:

1) Like A Cunning Plan: Erotic Trickster Tales, continues right on track and should be coming out soon from Circlet Press.  I’ll have more information on that shortly.

2) Scheherazade’s Facade also progresses right on schedule, as I wrangle authors, make sure contracts are properly signed, perform various edits, ad so on and so forth.  Almost everyone involved has been paid, which really takes a load of my mind and makes me quite happy.  I’ll update this as more information becomes available, and I’ll also be sure to update via the Kickstarter program so everyone can stay informed.  I still plan a couple of follow-up posts once things settle down and I have the time and energy to concentrate on the numbers and statistics.

That’s about it for now.  Although I will be attending the mass signing for the SFWA Nebula Awards this coming Friday.  If anyone’s going to be there, I’d love to meet you!




Scheherazade's Facade: Post Game Report #1

Short and sweet: we did it.  With a final total of $6153 (over our original goal of $5000), and a total of 233 backers, the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter campaign came to an end, and was officially successful.  Thank you to everyone who pledged, pre-0rdered, passed the word, and supported us in various ways.  This was a group effort, and because of you all, this anthology will see the light of day at last.  Our authors will be paid professional rates for their work, and you’l finally get to read the stories that have haunted me for several years.

Now the next phase begins, where we take care of all the little last minute details that go into any publishing endeavor.  I’ll be contacting the supporters to make sure we have all the necessary info for their rewards, wrangling the authors to make sure they’re still awake, and so on.  The important thing is that we have the funding, and this project can move forward.

I’m planning several more post game reports, talking about the Kickstarter process, the pitfalls, what I learned, what seemed to work and what didn’t, and how to stay sane during the process.  If you have any questions you’d like answered, just leave them in any of the usual places and I’ll try to get to them.  In the meantime, stay cool and be excellent to each other.

(Pictured: One of the Feline Advisory Committee. This is Molly. She knows what you did.  How could you?)

Scheherazade's Facade: The Penultimate Kickstarter Update

Ladies and gentlemen, our month-long odyssey nears its inevitable conclusion.  The Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter campaign has approximately twelve hours left to run before it ends tonight at 3 AM EDT.  I’m not going to inundate you with a blow-by-blow countdown as we near the end.  Rather, I’ll just put it out there into the world one last time, that at this point, I have two goals which would satisfy my love of numbers and symbols.

1)We’re at 224 backers.  I would so dearly love to hit 225 (or higher).  One more person would do the trick.  I’d also settle for 250 backers, if there’s 26 people who haven’t gotten around to pledging but really want to.  But I’ll take what I can get.

2) We’re at $5970.  We are -this- close to $6000.  Again, one pledge would do the trick.  We do have a $30 dollar package for both the ebook and the trade paperback, you know….

So it wouldn’t take much to satisfy both of these last-minute “victory goals.”

(Edit: Even as I write this, someone magically pops up to to be my #225 hero.  Yay!  But we’re still $20 short of that magical big number.  Can we do it?  Yes we can!  See, you never know what will happen in these crazy, turbulent times.)

So if you were planning to pledge, you don’t have much time.  Pre-order Scheherazade’s Facade and you get my thanks and admiration, and the satisfaction of a job well done, and a book you’ll hopefully enjoy.  (They also make great birthday presents.  Or blog giveaways.  Or library donations, if you decide it’s not for you afterwards.  See, you have options!

Now, if anyone decides that twelve hours before the deadline is a good time to -cancel-, on the other hand, I should warn you: My cats?  Are CHAMPIONS at horking, and I know where your shoes are.

I kid, I kid.  Just a little last minute editor-is-flailing-with-anticipation-mixed-with-neurotic-worries humor.  But I have a Maine Coon and he knows what to do with potted plants.  Oh, does he.  And I’m not afraid to use him.  Scheherazade’s Facade: pledge now or the potted plant is toast.

So spread the word, one last time.  Talk it up to your friends and readers and followers, one last time.  Remind people that you know where the bodies are buried, one last time. Kidnap the boss’s poodle, one last time.  And I’ll see you in a few hours, when we pop the metaphorical bubbly and celebrate success.

Assorted Updates and Good News

1) Thanks, folks! All of your voting paid off! “Devil’s Masquerade” has been accepted for inclusion in Fantastic Erotica: The Best of Circlet Press 2008-2012.  I’m thrilled that my sexy lesbian adventurers will get a chance to see print yet again, and this time in a real, physical book.  Yay!

2) I got the author proofs for my forthcoming anthology, Like A Cunning Plan: Erotic Trickster Tales, due out from Circlet sometime relatively soon.  Again, yay!  I feel like a real editor, seeing this thing so close to completion.

3) Scheherazade’s Facade has 53 hours to go on Kickstarter, and we’re sitting at $5825.  I know my original stretch goal of $10k was probably a little too stretchy, but we can totally hit $6000, right?  Right?  It would make me and the authors really happy…. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute, this weekend is it!

4) My review of Seanan McGuire’s new urban fantasy, Discount Armageddon, is live on Tor.  Go check it out!

5) I’m on Twitter as Oneminutemonkey and while I may not post a lot, I’d love more followers so I’m not screaming into the wind so much.  I do that enough without the Internet’s help. :)

That’s all for now.

Scheherazade's Facade: The Final Countdown

Oooo, shades of the ’80s.  It’s the final countdown!  The Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter campaign is nearing the end of its dramatic journey.  We’ve all had some good times along the way–who can forget the climatic battle against the jetpack gorillas, cyborg Nazis, and–yeah, sorry, I forgot you weren’t there for that.  Forget I said anything.  National security.

But seriously, it’s been an awesome time here, watching everyone spread the cheer and get involved.  Now, we only have five days left before this sucker closes at 3 AM EST, April 16th. If you’ve been thinking about pledging, now’s the time.  Last-minute revelations are all well and fine, but if you’re like me, you’ll forget and feel really embarrassed later.   I was almost late to my own wedding.  True story.  Don’t let this be you.  Pledge $10 for the ebook, $25 for the trade paperback, $30 for the combo, or $50 and up for the special bonus packs.   Buy them as belated Easter gifts, early Christmas presents, anniversary gifts!  If you’re an American who got a tax refund, help stimulate the economy by pre-ordering this book!  If you’re not an American, just consider this one way to help the global economy, as you’re helping to support the careers of authors from six different countries!  Get a headstart on what I fully expect to be the most talked-about, most acclaimed, most award-winningest anthology of the year.  (I’m allowed to exaggerate, right?)

Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your neighbors.  Unless it might invite too many awkward questions.  (“Hey Bill, I know the last time we spoke was after your dog ate our roses and defecated on the front porch, but this dude on the Internet told me to tell you to buy a book…)

And remember: the closer we come to hitting that secondary gal of $10,000, the less I’ll have to scream and shout when it comes time to doing a second volume.

Two Really Cool Projects

I thought I’d take a break from the same old same, to pass along word of two more projects that I happen to think are awesome.

1) Ace librarian and monster researcher Jess Nevins is looking to follow up his Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana and forthcoming Encyclopedia of Pulp Heroes with the Encyclopedia of Golden Age Superheroes.  Sadly, this is a project which requires extensive research and journeys to strange, exotic places which house the lost treasures of another age.  To that end, he’s doing a Kickstarter.  He reached his initial goal in twelve hours (the lucky bastard, share some of the love with the rest of us, man) but  the more he gets, the more bonuses and premiums he can offer.  But you know what?  This is going to be the MUST-HAVE item for any truly dedicated fan of comic books, pop culture, or lost ephemera.  Jess Nevins is one of the only men alive capable of annotating Alan Moore’s works and not just living, but escaping with his sanity intact.  He’s spent untold hours untangling the mysteries of pulp heroes, Golden Age comics, and other weird stuff online, providing invaluable resources for gamers and writers everywhere, and I’m in awe of his work.  If you know me at all, you’ll know I’m all over this project.

2) The Future Fire are publishing “a themed anthology of colonialism-themed speculative fiction from outside the first-world viewpoint, co-edited by Fabio Fernandes.” Supporting this anthology allows them to pay their writers professional rates, even as they offer up a collection of stories from viewpoints that don’t always get a lot of spotlight.  Sounds like a worthwhile effort to me!  $10 gets you the e-book version, and so on and up.

I have no personal stake in either of these efforts, save for the desire to see them succeed and further bring  a little more awesomeness into the world.

Scheherazade's Facade: Reminder and Ephemera

Hello, all.  I’m coming to you live from my secret volcano lair, to remind you that the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter campaign is still live and going strong.  Right now, there are twelve days to go until we end on April 16th, and it’s not too late to join in the fun.  We’re at $5620 right now, which is awesome. That’s more than the original goal, and a princely sum by any standards–provided you have a small prince.   But lest you think that we’re content to settle for mere success, we’re currently aiming for phenomenal success.  That is, to say, I’m dreaming of hitting $10,000 and green-lighting work on a second volume.  But you know what?  I’ll be happy if everyone who’s interested in this anthology, intrigued by its concept, tempted by its fabulous lineup, or seduced by that gorgeous cover, gets their copy through the magical art of pre-ordering via Kickstarter.  If that’s one more person, or ten, or a hundred more, now’s the time.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to round up some appropriate links on the subject.

David Sklar has an excerpt of his story, “Lady Marmalade’s Special Place in Hell,” available here on the Outer Alliance blog.  He’s also posted about the odyssey of his story here.

A very nice write-up of the anthology’s path to publication from the local website.  I was as surprised as anyone to see this.   Who knew they knew I existed in my own home town?

A fascinating discussion on Dear Author about crowdfunding and patronage of the arts, in which Scheherazade’s Facade was singled out for mention.  In a nice way.

Even The Ferrett approves of this project, and he doesn’t gives the thumbs-up to just any old thing.

Seanan McGuire said nice things about me and the project, and made me blush.

Contributor Paolo Chikiamco took us international by posting to Rocket Kapre, a major resource for speculative fiction in the Philippines.  (Okay, I know, we’re already international.  Later I’ll have to talk about just how many different countries my authors hail from.)

And of course thank you to everyone else who’s mentioned us in Livejournal posts, in tweets, on Tumblr, on Facebook, and carved their message into the Moon in mile-high letters.  I know all, see all, appreciate all.  I still don’t understand my cats, or why Virgil loves the bathroom so much. So keep spreading the word, and I’ll keep doing whatever the heck it is I do.  Once someone tells me.  I think I have to feed the cats.  Again.  Or so they say….



Scheherazade's Facade: Week Two and Other Kickstarter Signal Boosts

So here we are, at the end of the second week of the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter campaign.  And, well, things look good.  We hit our goal on Monday, and now we’re just trying to see what sort of damage we can do before the pledging period ends on April 16th.  We’re at $5498, which is a more than respectable amount.  My dream, as mentioned before, would be to hit $10,000 before the end, so we can be absolutely guaranteed of doing a science fiction companion volume in the near future.  If we make it that far, awesome.  If not, we’ll just have to try again at some point. What’s important is that we hit the goal we were aiming for.

So that’s all the news that’s fit to print about Scheherazade’s Facade.  Now I’d like to tell you about some of the other Kickstarter projects I’ve run across that I’ve found worth supporting.  What can I say?  I like to share.  I’m not asking you to do anything other than, if you’re interested, check them out.   They haven’t asked this of me, there’s no kickbacks involved, nothing of the sort.

1) Laura Anne Gilman is looking for funding so she can write two novellas featuring her half-human, half-faun P.I., Danny Hendrickson.  If you’re a fan of her Retrievers or P.S.I. urban fantasy series (The Cosa Nostradamus setting), you’ll want to look into this as it’s a spinoff of those two series.  Laura Anne writes smart, funny, exciting fantasy, and I’m looking forward to seeing what she does with this character.

2) Spirit of the Century is a 1930’s-era pulp adventure game, and they’re looking to put out a trilogy based on the material.  It looks like a hell of a lot of fun.  Authors include Chuck Wendig, Brian Clevinger (Atomic Robo), and C.E. Murphy. All of these authors are pretty cool, and this promises to be plenty entertaining in a weird way.

3) Judith Tarr is looking to release a YA novel that features three young women working across space and time to solve a mystery.

4) Tales of the Emerald Serpent is a new shared universe mosaic anthology, in the spirit of Thieves World or Wild Cards.  Authors involved include Harry Connolly (The Twenty Palaces series),  Juliet McKenna, Martha Wells and Julie Czernada.  Definitely a good group of people, authors who know how to deliver an exciting story.

That’s my plug for the day, and I’m out of here.  Those cats don’t vacuum themselves, you know.  Not any more.  Not after the last time….