Site Update and Other Sundries

After spending some time exploring the ins and outs of my website, I’ve managed to make a few changes and updates.  Henceforth, if you want to access it, please go to  The separate /news and /wordpress functions have been folded into one another for a more streamlined approach, and the last vestiges of the previous design have been carefully hidden away like a mad aunt in the attic.  If you drop by using an old link and don’t find something, just default to the main address and it should be there.  I’ve also added Google+ and Twitter widgets for the sake of completion.  If you find any problems, you can also contact me through the brand new “contact me” widget floating in the lower right hand corner.  (Yes, I know of the semi-broken link if you click on the main header.  I’m working on it.)

Just as a reminder, voting for Circlet’s Best of Digital Library poll continues, and will end Monday the 19th.  My story, “The Devil’s Masquerade,” is currently sitting in 5th place, and I’d love to see it reach 4th or so by the time things close out.  A vote for me is a vote for awesomeness!

Last, please keep watching this space for an exciting announcement concerning the much-delayed, much-anticipated, nigh-legendary Scheherezade’s Facade!

Sale! "In the Service of Hell" to Seductress!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve sold another story.  “In the Service of Hell” will appear in the succubus-themed anthology, Seductress: Tales of Immortal Desire, edited by D.L. King and due out from Cleis Press sometime around October.  For those keeping count, this will be my fourth piece to appear in a Cleis Press anthology this year, and my eleventh erotica sale in total.  Obviously, I’ll have more details in the months to come.

New Review: Tooth and Nail by Jennifer Safrey – And a Circlet Update

My latest review for has gone live.  Head on over to see why I thought Tooth and Nail by Jennifer Safrey is enjoyable but somewhat flawed.  But hey, where else will you find an urban fantasy about the tooth fairy?

Also, for those who’ve wanted to swing by Circlet Press and vote for their Best of Digital Library, I’ve been assured that the malware problem has been dealt with, with extreme prejudice, and the site is once again safe for visitors. And feel free to vote for me!


Reminder: Circlet Voting Still Open

Howdy, folks.  I just wanted to remind you all that my story, “The Devil’s Masquerade,” is still in the running for the Best of Circlet Press’ Digital Library contest/poll.  Winners will be reprinted in a swanky new print anthology and immortalized forever, or at the very least have nice bragging rights.  Now, since I’ve already posted two juicy excerpts, there’s not much else I can do at the moment, except ask you very nicely to go over and vote for me   Voting ends March 15th.

Here’s a few reviews of my story, if you need any encouragement:

The Readventurer:  “…Michael M. Jones is skilled enough in his writing. I’m sometimes wary of ebook releases but there were absolutely no editing errors that drove me up the wall which was refreshing and I quite liked Jones’ style.”  (Click through for the full review.)

Elisa’s Ramblings:  “…Grace and Starling are demon hunters in a fantasy kingdom, partner in job and lives. They are at the opposite, Grace petite and light, Starling tall and rubenesque, but between them there is a camaraderie that fits their attitude in life.” (Click through for more.)

Remember, you can buy Masked Pleasures if you’re in the mood for some excellent erotica with an unusual photo prompt theme!  Or, if you’d like a review copy, drop me a comment and let me know.  Supplies limited, act quickly.



Excerpt the 2nd: The Devil's Masquerade (Semi-NSFW)

Hey folks.  Just a gentle reminder that I’m still up for consideration in the Best of Circlet Press’ Digital Library, and every vote helps to keep me from dropping to the bottom of the charts where I will be unmercifully mocked and used as a footstool by my esteemed and wonderful competition.  To that end, I’m offering up another excerpt from “The Devil’s Masquerade,” my erotic lesbian fantasy adventure  in which our two intrepid heroines have gone undercover at their city’s most decadent event of the year.

Continue reading

Excerpt: The Devil's Masquerade (Somewhat NSFW)

Hello, everyone. As I mentioned last time, my story, “The Devil’s Masquerade,” is one of the stories being considered for inclusion in Circlet’s upcoming “Best of…” anthology. The catch is, only the top vote-getters will make it in, and let’s be honest: some of my esteemed competition are kicking my butts. I can only assume they have more friends, a larger family, compromising pictures of the right people, better social media skills, or pacts with unnamed dark forces.  (Or, of course, they could be really awesome authors with whom I’d be lucky and honored to share a table of contents…) What’s a guy to do?

Why, share a little of the story with you! In the interests of thoroughly whetting your appetites and convincing you to vote for me and/or go out and buy the book, I’m giving you a taste of the story. So just jump past the cut to read on!

Continue reading

Now Open For Votes: Best of Circlet Press Anthology

Now, I don’t usually do this. I’m not the most aggressive of self-promoters, but y’know… It’s like this: Circlet Press is putting out a Best Of anthology to celebrate their 20th anniversary, and they’ve posted a whole lot of stories from their various ebook anthologies. Yours Truly actually has a story in the running, and I’d love it if folks dropped by to vote for me. If you love me, do it because it’ll make me happy. If you hate me, vote for me because if I win I’ll die of shock. If you don’t care, vote for me because I’m the lesser of two evils.

The story in question is “The Devil’s Masquerade” and it was originally published in Masked Pleasures. It’s an erotic fantasy piece starring my lesbian adventurers, Grace and Starling, as they investigate the strange doings at their city’s most notorious annual event. I’m quite proud of it.

You can vote here. I’m willing to supply people with a copy of the story in question if they need a refresher course on why it’s awesome. Ask nice, I might even have a limited number of the full ebook to give away. Though if you were to, I dunno, buy it, that’s fine also.

As long as you’re there, please vote for four other stories. There’s a lot of wonderful stuff written by excellent authors, and I know some of them deserve to be in an anthology with me. :) So get to it!

New YA Review: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

Over on, my latest YA book review has gone live. Join me as I discuss Article 5, by Kristen Simmons. It’s a dystopian adventure set in a near-future United States where civil liberties are a fading memory, and things are only getting worse. I’d love to know what other people think of this book, so drop by and comment.

New Post: Boneyards by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

I know, I’m on a roll. Also, a little late. Another one of my book reviews has gone live over at, where I discuss Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s new book, Boneyards. Go check it out and feel free to leave comments, especially if you’re familiar with the series.