Scheherazade's Facade: The VICTORY Update

Dear Everyone –

We did it.  As of 3:08 PM EST, March 26, 2012, the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter Campaign hit its goal of $5000.00.  This means that, barring the zombie apocalypse, we’re fully funded and this anthology will move forward with all due speed to see the light of day.  The authors will be paid, the art team will be paid, the editor will get a double ration of gruel, the cats will get their gold-plated litterboxes (JUST KIDDING), and everyone who’s chosen to do so will get the anthology itself.  I can’t thank you enough.  For the LJ posts and mailing list hits, the Tumblrs and Tweets and Facebook updates and the Jerry Lewis telethon and the one enterprising person who tried to get me to donate to that political party you don’t like.  This was a team effort from top to bottom, and I owe it all to friends, family, my authors, and everyone else who thought this sounded like a good idea.

So there’s a problem.  We’re fully funded… with three weeks to go.  What now?  I mean, do we roll up our publicity apparatus, congratulate ourselves on a job well-done, and move on to something else?  I mean, we have 176 backers. At least 170 of those want the book.  That’s a fair number, right?  It’s not like we have to do anything now that we’ve hit our goal.  Or….

Hey.  Just between you and me, there’s no reason we can’t continue to spread the word.  Y’know, spend the next three weeks casually mentioning this to people, and allowing as how it’s definitely a book that’s going to come out, with a dozen all-new original fantasy and urban fantasy stories by a stellar lineup of authors from around the globe.  Y’know, remind people that it’s not too late to pledge if they want a copy of Scheherazade’s Facade in electronic or trade paperback, and they can still take advantage of our fabulous deals.  Because there have got to be more people who want to read this, who haven’t pledged already.  Just because we’ve hit the goal means we have to -stop-, after all.

I know I can’t ask anything more of you guys, but why let the next three weeks go to waste?  In fact, tell you what.

If we manage to hit $10,000 before the end of the campaign, there will be a Scheherazade’s Facade 2: The Science Fiction Edition.  (Not final title.  Also not final titles: SF2: Bend Harder;  SF2: Electric Sheep Boogaloo;  SF2: I Think I’m A Clone Now.)  Now, I don’t know who’ll be in it yet – I haven’t even written guidelines, much less asked authors, pulled out my blackmail folder, or calculated whether a yacht fits in my driveway. (Hint: it wouldn’t.)  All I know at this point in time is that I’d love to do the science fiction companion to this fantasy anthology, and I’d love to get the same level talent and vision, and I’d love to pay them that professional rate.  So if we hit that next tier, I’ll find a way to put the money towards a second volume.  (And if we don’t hit it, I’ll think of something else.  And if for whatever unthinkable reason this anthology bombs, and I’m forced to move to Siberia and work as a rock farmer, at least I can afford thermal undies…)

So that’s my say.  We’ve hit our goal, I love you all, and a sequel is entirely possible if things go well.  Spread the word.  And thank you.

Scheherazade's Facade: Week One Report (And more Excerpts)

So here we are, exactly one week since the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter Campaign launch, and we are doing spectacularly.  $4158 of $5000.  83% with 148 backers and 23 days to go.  And all I can say is WOW.  The goal is practically in sight, and I am thrilled with everyone.  I know we’re going to reach the goal, and I couldn’t be happier.   Thank you again to everyone who’s pledged or spread the word.  I and the authors appreciate it.  Keep it up, and don’t think that if we hit that goal we’ll slack off.  I’m really hoping this book will reach a wide audience of fantasy lovers everywhere.

And as a treat, have some snippets from the five stories I didn’t cover last time:

“The job of a Kambal Kulam was simple: protect clients from harmful curses by serving as living decoys. There were many types of curses available to a Philippine sorcerer, but the most deadly all required the use of a sympathetic element, hair or skin or some bodily fluid of the intended victim.” – From “Kambal Kulam” by Paolo Chikiamco

” Just outside the village, Kayin paused to smear soot on his face and eat another handful of dried jana berries. The berries seemed to be working; his face had remained as smooth as a girl’s through all his weeks on the savannah. A generous supply hung from the belt of his short skirt. Judging from the tenderness he felt higher up, the bitter fruits were on their way to giving him breasts, too.” – From “Pride” by Melissa Mead

“They told me I was striking, when they did notice–perfect proportions, natural grace, a complexion that neither tanned nor burned. My hair was jet, my skin pale white–an alabaster some admired. Mother described it differently: “There’s something cold about her, Ronald.” And Dad replied, “Well, Sally, he warmed up to your father like a flower to the sun.”  – From “Going Dark” by Lyn C.A. Gardner

The gods have made you a little strange, child. You’ll have to make yourself up to be more womanly. It falls to some of us to be so. But you’re lovely and dowered and you’ll catch yourself a goodish husband before long.” – From “The Cloak of Isis” by Sunny Moraine

” “I want your heart,” Dragon whispered, her breath frighteningly hot. “I don’t want to move on. Give me your heart, and I can stay with you: I want to be with you until I die.” ” – From “Treasure and Maidens” by Sarah Rees Brennan


And there you go.  Five tiny tastes of things to come.  You don’t know how much I’m looking forward to sharing the full stories with the world.  It was hard  finding good excerpts that evoked the story’s magic without giving away anything juicy, you know.  Especially since I keep getting distracted re-reading the stories, even as I take care of all the last minute formatting and editing that OF COURSE crept on me now.  So anyway, keep up the good work and stay tuned for further announcements.


(All excerpts courtesy of their respective authors, used for publicity purposes, legal mumbo-jumbo handwavium spell, etc etc etc.)



Scheherazade's Facade: Day Five Report

Dear Everyone –

You’re awesome.

As of now, the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter Campaign has been live for just over five full days.  We’re currently sitting at $3168 of $5000, or approximately  63% with 25 days to go.  Believe me when I say, this is AMAZING.  The response so far has been phenomenal.  121 people have pledged, saying that in essence, they believe in this project, that they want this anthology, that they want us to succeed.  I don’t even know how many others have taken a minute to blog, Tweet, Tumblr, or otherwise spread the word, and I appreciate everyone who’s done so.  Just knowing you care warms me inside.

Obviously, we have a ways to go, and over three weeks left in which to raise the remaining 37%.  I know we can do it.  I have faith.  (My wife would disagree – she thinks I’m a neurotic mess who needs to go mow the lawn, cook dinner, and change the litterboxes.  No respect, I tell you.  You think Shakespeare changed his own litterboxes?  That’s what street urchins were for.  But I digress.)

I feel like I owe it to everyone to give you a little something special.  A treat to whet your appetite, a gift to engage your senses, an appetizer to prepare you for the main course.  At first, I figured more cat pictures might do it, but then I decided to show you why I fell in love with these stories.  Some are slow burning, their secrets and treasures unfolding after a few paragraphs, luring you in.  And some were so strange, so beautiful, so evocative, that I was captured by the very first sentence.  So here then are the first lines from seven of the twelve stories.  You notice that not one begins, “Once upon a time…”

“Khshayarsha had been given a royal name – but that was the only gift that he had of his family.” – From “The Secret Name of the Prince” by Alma Alexander

“There are only so many things you can do with mutilated hands. ” – From “The Daemons of Tairdean Town” by C.S. MacCath

“My skin hangs on the wall, petrified, a warning to all of my transgression.” – From “Driftwood” by Tiffany Trent

“They hated each other. It would be true to say, they had fallen passionately in loathe from the first moment of meeting.” – From “Keeping the World On Course” by Tanith Lee

“Naryati numbers her days like the days in a dream, knowing them to be more numerous than the grains of rice in a harvest: every hour slowly bleeding into the next, every evening as grey and featureless as the skies overhead.” – From “A Bitter Taste” by Aliette de Bodard

“JoJo wants a mermaid’s face. He tells me this while I’ve got one hand inside his dress, feeling around for his fake boob. ” – From “How to Dance While Drowning” by Shanna Germain

” For starters, honey, I don’t believe in Hell–that’s just some old man’s way of telling me reasons why I can’t be me. Like “biology is destiny” means I have to be a boy.” – From “Lady Marmalade’s Special Place In Hell” by David Sklar

As for the other five stories?  Their treasures are hidden just a little further in, and I’ll do something special with those later.  Intrigued?  Interested?  You know what needs to be done.


(All credits and copyrights as appropriate to the original authors.  Used for publicity reasons. I make the Ward vs. Lawyers.)

(And I promise I’m not going to do this every day.  I really just wanted an excuse to share those first lines.   Who says I’m not generous.)

Introducing Virgil

As promised, I hereby give you a cat post.

This handsome fellow is Virgil.  We found him in the adoption room of our local vet, while dropping in for routine matters.  It was love at first sight.  He was an instant charmer, purring and cuddling like there was no tomorrow.  I came back later in the day to finish said routine matters, and again spent some time with him.  For some reason, everyone yelled at me to just take him already, so I brought my wife by, and she informed me that we might as well sign the paperwork.

Well, we took him home the next day, and he’s spent the past few weeks getting used to us, the house, the other cats, and so on.  He’s anywhere from 7-12 months old, and utterly full of himself.  Fearless, active, inquisitive, persistent, and regal.  He leaps like a champion, eats like a trucker, swears like a sailor.  He’s fascinated by the toilet, baffled by dogs, and fights things with feathers.

I think he’ll fit right in.

(Pictured: Virgil on his first catnip bender, unimpressed by toy, unimpressed by me, trying to be adorable)

By the way, he says you may refer to him as Your Majesty.

Scheherazade's Facade Kickstarter Reaches Halfway Point!

I know I promised a post about cats, complete with cute pictures, but I hope you’ll forgive me if I put that off until later today.  Because what I really want to do is dance around a bit and flail happily.  You see, the Kickstarter for Scheherazade’s Facade has done two things of interest: it’s passed 100 backers, and it’s pretty much hit the 55% mark.  And that’s before four full days are out.  Do you realize how unspeakably cool I think this is?  One hundred people who believe in this anthology enough to pledge their assistance and order a copy.  One hundred people who aren’t my wife or my family.  (Still not a peep from my family, they apparently haven’t forgiven me for that Mother’s Day luncheon… just kidding, family, I love you all.)

Over halfway to our goal.  I’m no longer freaking out thinking that no one’s going to care, it’s going to fail, I’m going to have to move to Poughkeepsie, change my name to Bernard, and live out the rest of my days performing beat poetry in a shabby coffeehouse.  Hey, we all have fallback dreams, don’t judge me.  No, now I can freak out about whether this book is as good as I’ve been claiming, whether it’ll be worth all the hype, whether I’ll have to live in fear of angry readers tracking me down to throw their copies at me during dinnertime.  Hey, we all have neurotic worries.

All kidding aside, it’s going to be a great anthology.  And it’s going to be real.  Thank you.  Halfway to our goal.  Keep up the good work, and keep telling your friends.


Scheherazade's Facade: Day 3 1/2 Report

So I’m looking at the numbers for Scheherazade’s Facade, and am flabbergasted at how quickly it’s growing.  Right now, we’re at $2278 of $5000, which means that after just over three full days of this campaign, we’re almost halfway there.

Almost halfway.  After the first weekend.

My wife’s been throwing things at me to keep me grounded.  She just muttered something about cleaning out the spare room to distract me.  She’s a saint.

But still.  45% and closing in on 50%.  I caught myself wondering if we’ll make the halfway mark tonight. :)

We can so totally do this.  And remember, if we hit our goal and keep going, there might just be a second volume of Scheherazade in the future, in some form or fashion.  So keep up the good work, everyone.  And I promise my next post will be about cats, and won’t involve books at all.  Because the Internet?  Loves cats.

And so do I.


Scheherazade's Facade: Day Three Report

As of right now, the Scheherazade’s Facade Kickstarter Campaign has been running for just under three full days. Almost a tenth of the running time.  And as of right now, we are at $1857 of $5000.  For those of you who can do math (not me, I was a Theatre major), that’s 36% or so, give or take a couple decimal points.  Over a third of the way to our goal.

And I am just flabbergasted with joy and surprise and relief.  Because that’s a lot of people showing some faith in this project, and I know we can make it a reality.  I went to sleep and we made 10% while my cats slept on my head and I dreamed of lawnmowers and chainsaws from all the purring.

Thank you all.  I know you won’t regret this.  Keep up the energy, spread the word, help me get this book out there!  I’m tired of hoarding these stories. :)  I want to SHARE!



And in other news, “Doppelganger” is currently ranked 6th in the Best of Circlet’s Digital Library Poll.  Voting ends tonight, so if you haven’t gone over there and placed your vote, there’s still time.  Scheherazade authors David Sklar, Shanna Germain, and Sunny Moraine are among the other hot contenders!


Scheherazade's Facade Kickstarter Campaign: Day One Report

Oh my goodness gracious, people. You are amazing.  It’s been approximately 30 hours since we launched, and with 25 backers, we’re already over 10% to our goal.  I’m blown away, overjoyed, and thankful to everyone who’s offered support, spread the news, pledged, or said something nice about me.  I promise you, no one was bribed or blackmailed, they actually mean what they say.

I promise I’m not going to be one of those guys, the one who can’t shut up about his hot new girlfriend or sexy new car or shiny new anthology, and I won’t give you a day-by-day update.  Much.  It just seemed fitting to note that we’re already a tenth of the way done and I -know- things have only just begun.  Please, keep it up.  Spread the news, share the energy, share the enthusiasm.  As things progress, I’ll find ways to surprise and reward you.  I know some of my authors are already planning to share excerpts from their stories.  Maybe later on I’ll get some of them to talk a little about what they’ve done and why.  Or maybe I’ll just try to juggle for your amusement.

Anyway, color me pleased by the results so far, and here’s hoping for a massively rousing success.



Excerpt from "Doppelganger" – NSFW

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Circlet Press is running a special on their ebook anthology, Like Butterflies In Iron, erotic urban fantasy tales of the Fae.  For the month of March, just go to the Circlet site and use the code “MARCH2012″ to get this book for only 99 cents.  As a special treat, I’m posting an excerpt from my story, “Doppelganger” which can be found in this anthology.  So enjoy this sneak peek at a tale where two lives collide, each impacted by the Fae in a different, yet intertwined, fashion.

Continue reading

The Scheherazade's Facade Kickstarter Campaign is LIVE

And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, Democrats and Republicans, literate creatures of all ages and species, I am pleased, nay thrilled, nay, quivering in my seat with excitement, to announce that the official Kickstarter campaign to fund Scheherazade’s Facade has launched.  Over the next 30 days, we’re looking to raise $5000.00 to thoroughly fund the release of this groundbreaking, visionary, excellence-laden anthology.  Your money will get you anything from a bookmark, to an e-book, to a trade paperback, to all of the above and even a selection of fine anthologies from our sponsor and publisher, Circlet Press.  Your pledges will ensure that I can pay these twelve authors a professional rate, which seems more than fair given that they’ve stuck by me through thick and thin and been so horribly patient, and, oh yes, written me stories that knocked my socks off.

So spread the word.  Visit the Kickstarter page and make your pledge today.  Tell your friends, tell your enemies, re-tweet.  Tell the Westboro Church so they can come and picket my website.  Tell the more annoying Presidential candidates so they can denounce me.  Because this anthology? Contains an even dozen stories of gender bending, cross-dressing, and transformation.  We have drag queens and lost princes, heroes and villains, lesbians and dragons, urban fantasy and mythic fantasy and other kinds of fantasy.  We have boys who masquerade as girls, star-crossed lovers, girls who kick ass, and so much more.

Authors, you say?  We have authors!  How’s this Table of Contents strike you:

Alma Alexander– “The Secret Name of the Prince”
C.S. MacCath — “The Daemons of Tairdean Town”
Paolo Chikiamco – ”Kambal Kulam”
Tiffany Trent — “Driftwood”
Melissa Mead — “Pride”
Tanith Lee– “Keeping the World on Course”
Aliette de Bodard — “A Bitter Taste”
Lyn C.A. Gardner – ”Going Dark”
Sunny Moraine — “The Cloak of Isis”
Shanna Germain — “How to Dance While Drowning”
Sarah Rees Brennan — “Treasure and Maidens”
David Sklar — “Lady Marmalade’s Special Place In Hell”

What else can I say?  We need you, so start spreading the news!

You can also visit the still-in-progress-but-official Scheherazade’s Facade page here.