Reminder: Circlet Voting Still Open

Howdy, folks.  I just wanted to remind you all that my story, “The Devil’s Masquerade,” is still in the running for the Best of Circlet Press’ Digital Library contest/poll.  Winners will be reprinted in a swanky new print anthology and immortalized forever, or at the very least have nice bragging rights.  Now, since I’ve already posted two juicy excerpts, there’s not much else I can do at the moment, except ask you very nicely to go over and vote for me   Voting ends March 15th.

Here’s a few reviews of my story, if you need any encouragement:

The Readventurer:  “…Michael M. Jones is skilled enough in his writing. I’m sometimes wary of ebook releases but there were absolutely no editing errors that drove me up the wall which was refreshing and I quite liked Jones’ style.”  (Click through for the full review.)

Elisa’s Ramblings:  “…Grace and Starling are demon hunters in a fantasy kingdom, partner in job and lives. They are at the opposite, Grace petite and light, Starling tall and rubenesque, but between them there is a camaraderie that fits their attitude in life.” (Click through for more.)

Remember, you can buy Masked Pleasures if you’re in the mood for some excellent erotica with an unusual photo prompt theme!  Or, if you’d like a review copy, drop me a comment and let me know.  Supplies limited, act quickly.



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