Well, folks, we’re on day 5 of the Kickstarter for Schoolbooks & Sorcery, and things are looking good. 50 backers for $1135, which puts us at 18% of our funding goal. 25 days to go… we can totally do this. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Young Adult
Hey everyone! While I don’t plan to deluge you with posts related to the current Schoolbooks & Sorcery Kickstarter, I did want to say that so far, after just one day, we’re doing quite nicely, and I’m feeling optimistic. With … Continue reading
Dear Everyone, The Kickstarter for Schoolbooks & Sorcery, an anthology of diverse, queer-inclusive, YA urban fantasy, is officially launched. This is not a drill. This is real life. It will run for the next 30 days, ending at 3 AM … Continue reading
Ladies and Gentlemen: As the title states, I’m pleased to announce that the Kickstarter for Schoolbooks & Sorcery will go live on June 1st. The campaign will run for the full month, and end on or around June 30th. Obviously, … Continue reading
I’m pleased to announce that I have two more storiesĀ for your enjoyment. The first is “Saturday Night Science,” and it can be found in the first issue of the new magazine, Broadswords & Blasters, available in both electronic and print … Continue reading
I am pleased, nay thrilled, to announce that more of my work is now out in the wild and available for your enjoyment and enlightenment. First up is my brand new story, “A is for Anger,” which can be found … Continue reading
Hello, all! Once again, it’s been far too long since my last update. And while I work furiously behind the scenes on some projects, I thought I’d take the time to alert you to some of my stories which have … Continue reading
/tap…tap…/ Is this thing on? Splendid! So yeah, it’s been a while. Where do I even begin? Well, let’s talk about new releases. Because I’ve actually had a few of those in the past few months. First up, there’s “E … Continue reading
I’m pleased as punch and proud to announce that, with all contracts in hand, the final lineup for my upcoming YA anthology, Schoolbooks & Sorcery, is ready to be revealed. This is a project which has been in the works … Continue reading
So it seems I don’t update this thing nearly as often as I should. I apologize. I’ve been busy. With things. Yeah, that’s it…things. But I figured I should come by with an update and to remind people of certain … Continue reading