Set against the backdrop of traditional Transylvania, Wildwood Dancing is the story of five sisters who, every month at the full moon, travel through a magical portal into a realm where they mingle with the folk of the Other Kingdom, dancing and chatting with all manner of mythic creatures. But then the deadly Night People visit the revels one month, and eldest sister Tati falls in love with one of them. Then the girls’ father is forced to travel far away for his health, and their domineering cousin Cezar comes to power in the area, threatening to crush their dreams and wills. Can the girls, led by strong-willed Jenica, find what it takes to save the Other Kingdom from Cezar’s dark dreams of revenge, rescue Tati from imminent death, unravel the secrets of a powerful witch, and live happily ever after? Incorporating elements of the Frog Prince, Twelve Princesses Dancing, and traditional Transylvanian myth, this is a beautiful, intricate story about growing up, finding love, and discovering one’s inner strengths, and I highly recommend it.