The Legend of Holly Claus, by Brittney Ryan (HarperCollins, 2004)

Somewhere beyond the Arctic Circle, ringed by magical glaciers, lies the Land of the Immortals, the kingdom known as Forever. Ruled by Nicholas, better known as Santa Claus, it’s a happy place where the immortal souls of those who’ve truly affected the world in a positive way can dwell alongside mythical creatures for all eternity. And then something happens to change it all: inspired by a child’s simple, selfless Christmas wish, a daughter is born to Nicholas and his wife Viviana. Named Holly Claus, she’s the first child ever born to the Land of the Immortals, and she’s truly special. But an evil force named Herrikhan visits very soon after Holly’s birth, preserving her heart in snow and cursing her for all time as part of his plan to escape eternal imprisonment. As she grows into a lovely young woman, Holly struggles with her curse, and ultimately makes a fateful journey to the mortal world in search of the cure. Arriving in 1896 New York, she’ll learn what it means to be human and alive, and face the threat of Herrikhan with the help of four magical creatures and her new mortal allies. And in doing so, she’ll understand why it was she was born in the first place.

I lost sleep over this book. The Legend of Holly Claus, is, plain and simple, L. Frank Baum at his very best, invoking all of his spirit and talent and infusing it with a modern sense of maturity. Brittney Ryan captures all of the beauty, magic, and delight of the ideal Christmas, wraps it with a child’s sense of wonder, and leaves it in a stocking like one of Santa’s gifts. She balances the cold reality of the Victorian period with a certain hopeful idealism represented by the uncorrupted Holly, who simply doesn’t play by the same rules as everyone else. This book is only improved by the gorgeous cover, and the exquisite interior illustrations by Laurel Long. Do yourself a favor; don’t wait until next Christmas season to read this one.

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