New Audio Release: Your Name is Eve


No, I’m not dead yet. It’s just that grad school always eats my brain for about six weeks every summer, and while I love it, it’s really hard to do anything else that doesn’t involve school or work. But once again, I’ve emerged, mostly unscathed, and ready to tackle the world.

Today’s news is that my story, “Your Name is Eve,” which originally appeared in Clockwork Phoenix 3, edited by Mike Allen, is now available in audio format from the delightful online magazine, Far Fetched Fables. Pop on over and give it a lesson, why don’t you?

I know I owe a lot of people updates, and those will also be coming in due time. There is progress, it’s just behind the scenes, and I’m working as fast as I can as I reset my brain to “not grad school” mode…

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